Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Insanity Program Complete! Or is it?

As of September 1st, my 60 days of Insanity was done. It should have been a total of 48 workouts; I pulled off 44 of them. Two workouts I gave myself a free pass on; one I was out of town on vacation, hiking; the other I did a substitute workout. The last two, which were literally the last two, workout 47 and 48, was pure burnout laziness.

The results, you ask? Before I queue the drum roll, keep in mind that I did not do the food diet suggestion. Which is a calorie counting one that balances carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in the meals. If I had I am sure the results would have been different.

Okay, queue the drum roll.

Weight? Gained 3-4 pounds. This I am very okay with. First, I am already in an acceptable weight range for my height/age. Second, I honestly think it was due to muscle gain/toning rather than fat gain.

Inches? This part is more tricky, since measuring exactly in the same spot is tough so the half inches could really be tape placement. If we ignore this possible variance, I lost a total of six inches. Almost equally in the butt and boob, none on the waistline, the waistline was my main goal. There is a saying, which I honestly don't know if it is true or not: last gained first lost. I really don't know where I "put on" weight first. If this is true apparently it was my waist line since it did not want to go anywhere.

Improvement via Fit Test tracking? The numbers at the start of the weeks and improvements between weeks:

Week 1 Week 3 Week 5 Week 7 Week 9 Impro 3 Impro 5 Impro 7 Impro 9 Overall
Ex 1 63 71 68 66 72 13% -4% -3% 9% 14%
Ex 2 40 38 41 52 58 -5% 8% 27% 12% 45%
Ex 3 85 85 92 96 99 0% 8% 4% 3% 16%
Ex 4 25 30 34 34 39 20% 13% 0% 15% 56%
Ex 5 7 9 9.5 9.75 9.5 29% 6% 3% -3% 36%
Ex 6 9 12 13 15 11 33% 8% 15% -27% 22%
Ex 7 19 14 18 18 19 -26% 29% 0% 6% 0%
Ex 8 25 22 30 47 37 -12% 36% 57% -21% 48%

Overall, just looking at the numbers, I improved but I know I improved in all areas beyond what the numbers show. Exercise 7, in the end it was a flat 0% improvement. This one was the flopping-on-my-face-push-up-jack I mentioned in my first workout blog. In the end it was a not-flopping-on-my-face-push-up-jack; as I like to call it, a regular push-up jack. Also, while I did not wean off the girl push-up like I hoped, it became crisp and flat. I even was able to pull off some regular push-ups during parts of the routines.

My main goal was to lose inches, for toning reasons rather than weight, before my girlfriends wedding. Goal met. Do I recommend this program? I would say yes. It is not a cake walk. The first half was much easier than the second half. Partly because the workouts are easier, partly due not having a burnout issue. But overall I say give it a go.