Sunday, July 8, 2012

As the Wheels Turn:

There I was, dragged out of the house for a bike ride at an unholy morning hour. Probably for the best. The whole of the U.S. is on fire and having heatstroke so unholy hours are probably ideal for bike rides since it is not breaking 90+ at that time of day.

This is my real first ride of the season. The first attempt had too many technical difficulties to really call it a ride, so today's is the official first. The spouse was, of course, ready to rock in about 5 minutes after he made the announcement of our impending outing. Me, not so much. I had to break out the long sleeve breathable shirt, so my arms would not burn. Slap on some sunblock so my face would not toast. Pull out the padded biking shorts, or is it skort? so the rear would not bruise. And lastly slapped on the gloves and helmet so if my inner klutz made an appearance I would not damage my brain and my 10 key hand.

We were off! It was a good ride. Not to vigorous, which was good. Sunday mornings are pretty dead around here and taking the neighborhood streets makes it even quieter. We did some vague house hunting. Glancing up and down the streets, stopping and checking prices whenever we saw one to get an idea of the neighborhood price range. All and all it was a nice outing with some only minor points of uphill that made my quads yell at me. My quads are real wimps.

For the rest of the week I need to figure out my game plan. My brother just got me the Insanity DVDs. I have to say they look a bit insane and my knees protested greatly just watching them. The upside to Insanity, over P90X, is that no equipment is required. The downside is that it is an insane workout. I think I will give it a go for a week and if I can still move at the end of it I might stick it out. But really, while I am all about flat abs, but I really don't need a six pack... so we shall see.

The other option is of course the gym. But my membership is at the local university, which is a non air conditioned building. Just large fans in a thick stone building. While most times this is fine ALL of next week is 100 so the afternoons will not be comfortable there. I don't mind sweating on desert hikes but for my treadmill time I only want exercise generated sweat, not weather generated sweat. Unfortunately, due to this, it looks like Insanity my win out. Of course, if it also turns my brain to mush, maybe I won't notice the pain? Right? 

But that is not for me to worry about until tomorrow. While it is still a nice cool 96 degrees, this night is for bocce ball. 

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