Foray Into Summer:
With the start of Summer I am starting a new game plan. My best friend is getting married in a little over two months and the months ahead of the event struck me as a window of opportunity. The chance to get "stuff" done. For me there are several things I want to work on. Health and Direction spring to mind.
My knee. I need to get running again.
My photo self. After all, I will be in wedding shots in a few months. This will tie in with the running.
My career self. Fine tuning my awesome skills into something that makes people sit up and notice.
And, of course, I will always include food because.. well.. it's food.
I figure that I can work on all of these better with a blog to focus my actions (and focus some accountability to keeping them moving in a positive way), as well as getting advice from others.
So in the coming days, and weeks (poor public) I will be talking about my progress. Taking advice. Telling what is working, and not working. So stay tuned!
This certainly seems like an intelligent starting point. Best of luck, Tanis!
ReplyDeleteWhy does it have to be all about how YOU look for the wedding. Just go and enjoy yourself. Don't worry about the muffin top as you will probably be the only one that notices it... ;)