Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Still on the Wagon

No, no, I have not fallen off of the face of the earth.  I apologies to my 2.5 readers who, I am sure, have been eagerly awaiting my next post.  Due to the delay, one could assume that I have fallen off the wagon, and have been spending my days at the Cheesecake Factory eating bad overpriced food and delicious cheesecake.  Calm your worries, no such thing has happened.  The cleanse is still going, for the most part, and the workouts are still going, barely.
Yesterday was an almost-did-not-happen day.  The first part Insanity was good.  The workouts were tough but not killers, and they were mixed up enough that you did not get bored with the same workout.  The latter half, the mix up is still there, but keeping up the will to do it is flagging. 
The workout is a cycle of six days on, one off.  Sunday should have been my day off but due to taking Thursday off instead (I had a funeral that straddled two states and took all day) I had to use my free day to make up for it.  So there I was on Monday, no free day Sunday before, and stuck with a double workout; the Fit Test and Max Interval Cardio.  “Please let the max workout only be 35 minutes, 45 tops,” I kept hoping.  I knew that the Fit Test ran about 25 minutes, so an hour to an hour ten total would not kill me.  The max was the 60 minute one.  Sigh.  I got through it, but not by much.
I am going to stick it out.  This latter half has been hard.  I am not sure if it is because the workouts themselves are harder (and longer) or if I am just burning out on the routine.  The workout program has this week and two more.  Due to traveling out of town on the last week, I will be losing the last four to five workouts.
The question that is starting to crop up in my mind is: What to do with life after Insanity?  Do I start the routine again?  I do have a second wedding in October, my own, that I could try to get in better shape for.  Do I call it quits and move back to my old routine - a random workout with nightly walks.  Do I became an intense gamer with the new World of Warcraft expansion that will be coming out soon?  Well, probably not, that is what got me into this boat in the first place.
Have not decided yet, but I have a few weeks to figure it out.


  1. Are you really getting married in October??? Am I not your peep enough to tell???

    Anyway, a balance would work. You could try some exercise, with some gaming, with some outdoor stuff. I fins what works for me is to do no actual "workout", but to do sports and hiking. Playing soccer once/twice a week and trying to go for hikes everyday will keep you in shape. Try to get involved in sports. It is so much more fun than working out and you get to interact with people.

  2. Yes, getting married in October. No offense can be taken yet since we have not done the general announcement. We hope to get the invites out by September and I will let everyone know as soon as he proposes.

    Yes, we are planning a wedding, no he has not proposed yet. "I have a plan" is all he says whenever I ask him about it. *Shurg* It will happen before the wedding is all I know.
